Don Edwards Literary Memorial

May 30, 2006

My friend Anthony


I think I posted some ideas about heroes some blog posts ago. Joseph Campbell called them out:athletes, warriors. statesmen, and in our time, perhaps scientists and medecine. Most of our athletes are rich cry babies. We have no statesmen. We throw soldiers like fodder to some foreign country. No Albert Einsteins now, or at least if there is one, no publicity because our culture doesn’t care. Medicine is such big business it is sinful.

So my heroes are my sister in law, Judy, who reclaimed her life after nearly destroying herself with alcohol and Anthony who I met while working at The Open Door, the community for the homeless in Atlanta. He spent ten years under a bridge within blocks of my house. He gave me a gift I can’t even imagine….he took me on a tour of his hangouts, where he slept, where he panhandled, where he sat under the shadow of the Jimmy Carter Center. I took many pictures and made him a Christmas card with a collage of them. He has reunited with his two teenage daughters he deserted when he left Syracuse, NY. He has a good job, has had several raises. He’s paid back all his debts. He’s saved money. He’s smart and funny. He’s back among us for good, I think. He will probably come visit us here in Ajijic.

The picture is where he slept.

My hero, Anthony.


Filed under: DON POSTS — Don @ 3:34 am

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