Don Edwards Literary Memorial

June 4, 2006



Your piece keyed to my Richard Halter requiem was both therapeutic (I think) and clever. My own story about not being wanted – or appreciated – by the Christian Brothers came several years after your reddition-story – “the Council questions your vocation.”

I was in my fifth year of teaching in San Francisco and the Brother Visitor came to make his annual inspection visit, and of course, conduct the prescribed reddition with each religious brother. In summary, this ranking religious superior explained to me that because I had taken final vows, I could not be removed from the religious order, but he wanted to make it clear to me that if the “Chapter” had to vote again today about whether to grant me final vows or not, I would be voted out. Talk about being stunned! This man was determined to hurt me, and he did. It was not long after this encounter, I was assigned to teach in Bakersfield where I had the good fortune to meet Cesar Chavez, and eventually leave the religious brotherhood on my own terms. Like you, I have never regretted that decision – indeed, it was a lifesaver! But unlike you, I am not magnanimous enough to shake his hand and say, thank you!

Hot day today in your old hometown.


Filed under: LEROY POSTS — LeRoy @ 6:01 pm

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