Don Edwards Literary Memorial
Compiled and Published by LeRoy Chatfield

Archive for April, 2010

The U.S. Catholic Bishops Cover-Up of Clerical Sex Abuse

Thursday, April 8th, 2010

New York Archbishop Timothy Nolan

The U.S. Catholic Bishops Cover-Up of Clerical Sex Abuse

(From 1941 to 1957, I attended Catholic schools and was taught by religious nuns and brothers, and occasionally by priests. During this educational period with seven years spent living in religious community devoted to monastic training and practice, and an additional eight years of serving as a religious teaching brother,  I was never sexually abused by a religious person, nor did I know or talk with anyone who had been. Whether this fact disqualifies me from writing about the cover-up of clerical sexual abuse of children, or discounts what I write, I leave to the judgment of others. Good Friday 2010)

 “Nobody nowhere, has confronted this crisis that belongs to all of society, in all cultures, in every religion and organization around. Nobody has confronted it better than the Catholic Church” – Archbishop Timothy Dolan, Easter 2010

I don’t know what’s worse for me: reading these delusional and self-serving  words of the New York Archbishop at his Easter press conference, or watching him deliver them on YouTube while dressed in exquisite gold-threaded religious medieval robes, wearing a gold and white mitre, a headdress reminiscent of the nobility of the 4th Century,  and grasping with his left hand a golden crozier, a 13th Century religious symbol of a shepherd’s crook used in caring for his flock.

However, the archbishop is right about the magnitude of child sex abuse in our country. Consider these recent U.S. statistics:  “an estimated 39 million survivors of childhood sexual abuse exist in America today. 30-40% of victims are abused by a family member.  Another 50% are abused by someone outside of the family whom they know and trust. Approximately 40% are abused by older or larger children whom they know. The median age for reported abuse is 9 years old.  More than 20% of children are sexually abused before the age of 8.  Nearly 50% of all victims of forcible sodomy, sexual assault with an object, and forcible fondling are children under 12”.

 Sexual child abuse happens, it is commonplace, it is a fact of life  – past, present, and future. Some parents, teachers, counselors, relatives, doctors, priests and countless other professionals who interact with, and have responsibility for children, will sometimes sexually abuse them. Call it sinful or criminal, report it or be silent, prosecute it or not –  the net effect of sexual abuse upon children is traumatic and devastating and will be felt for a lifetime.

The Catholic priests of the United States are well represented in the statistics of sexual child abuse. More than 5,000 priests – 4 percent of the clergy – were responsible for 13,000 accusations over a 50-year period. Father Thomas Reese.  I don’t fault the U.S. Catholic Church for the existence of child molesters in their ranks, we are talking about human beings after all, how could it be otherwise? What I do fault is the organized institutional cover-up – this is the crime and shame of it! – orchestrated by U.S. Catholic bishops and their legal advisors. Why, in God’s name, would Catholic bishops seek to cover-up the existence of clerical sexual abuse of children, and how did they expect to get away with it?  The how is easier to explain.

 No-fault insurance settlements, a corporate business model of long standing, was used in the Catholic dioceses of California – and other dioceses as well.   The preferred response to clerical child sex abuse was the payment of insurance money on condition of secrecy, without any admission of wrong doing, and the priest-abuser would be transferred to another parish and/or assigned to therapeutic rehabilitation. Case closed.

Ultimately, this financial cover-up – payment of money to victims in exchange for silence –  turned out to be a failed policy because over time these no-fault insurance payoffs became so frequent and increased in such dollar amounts that insurance companies were no longer willing to provide coverage, or at such a premium level to make it financially unfeasible for local dioceses to afford. A new self-insurance system was developed to allow dioceses in California and other states to fund the church’s own defense and settlement costs. While this approach paid for another decade of cover-up, it was not enough to prevent the scandal from erupting wholesale in the national media because clerical sex abuse had become so widespread and been left unchecked for so many decades, the cover-up could no longer be contained.  To date, the financial cost to the United States Catholic Church has been estimated to be more than $2 billion dollars – and it isn’t over yet!

But why were Catholic bishops committed to such a cover-up in the first place? Two reasons, I think. The first is because of a centuries-old canon law principle known as: “lest the faithful be scandalized”. In other words, bishops could devise secret methods to protect the Catholic hierarchy and priests from suspicion or allegations of wrong doing or corruption – and all this done for the sake of protecting church members from thinking ill of bishops and the clergy.  This canon law rationale has been characterized by sociologist Father Andrew Greeley as “self-serving and self-protecting dishonesty.” And so it is.

Here are two examples of how the “lest the faithful be scandalized” works. In his history of the Inquisition, Dr. William Rule quotes 16th Century canon law: “A blaspheming clergyman may pay a deduction from the fruits of his benefice; but whatsoever is done or left undone, he must not be seen to do penance openly, lest the faithful be scandalized at the sight; but if he proves incorrigible, he may be deprived of his living.” Inquisition History  (page 63) “He (the clergyman) must not be seen” is the necessary secrecy required to avoid giving the scandal.

And as professor Mark Silk notes in his book “Unsecular Media” (1998), this bankrupt church policy is not ancient history but remains in full force: “To this day, not only does Canon law specify ecclesiastical punishment for clerics who cause scandal by their misbehavior, but also in certain cases, canonical penalties are to be suspended if these cannot be observed ‘without danger of serious scandal or infamy.’ Better to let the punishment go by the board than to scandalize the faithful by publicizing clerical misdeeds.”  This church regulation is somewhat akin to our country’s Great Recession policy of suspending law enforcement against banks because they were “too big to fail.”

St. Ambrose Doctor of the Church

The second reason why Catholic bishops felt obligated to cover-up clerical sexual child abuse can be traced to Hebrews 7 and Melchizedek. “Jesus, a priest like Melchizedek, not by genealogical descent but by the sheer force of resurrection life – he lives! – a ‘priest forever in the royal order of Melchizedek.’ ”

St. Ambrose, one of the four doctors of the Church in the 4th Century, taught: “Thou art a priest for ever according to the order of Melchizedek.”  In my years of Catholic life, St. Ambrose’s teaching had been reduced to the slogan: “once a priest, always a priest” –  I must have heard it expressed a thousand times during  my Catholic training and education.

In the mid-1500s, the Council of Trent ruled the sacrament of ordination conferred an indelible priestly character and that a return to the lay state was impossible. Laicization may strip a priest from the right to perform authorized priestly functions, but it does not undo the “priestly character”.  In Catholic practice, once a male has been ordained into the priestly caste, a binding contract results: in exchange for a life of service and obedience to church authorities, the priest will be financially supported for life and accorded all privileges and protections associated with the authorized status of “priesthood”.

For most of the 20th Century, at least by extension, this teaching about the permanence of the priesthood was applied generally to religious brothers and nuns even though it was understood that in exceptional circumstances, and with great reluctance, the Vatican could dissolve permanently-sworn religious vows and return a nun or brother to the lay state. After the great exodus of nuns and brothers – and many priests – from the Church during the decades after the close of Vatican Council II (1965) and even with the newly-found realization that dispensations from final religious vows were more readily available than had been believed previously, this had no effect whatsoever on church teaching: “once a priest, always a priest”.

Another reason for the cover-up is the historical issue of “church and state”. The Church has never considered itself subject to the state.  For centuries – long before the American revolution – the Catholic Church was the state, controlled the state, or was a separate but equal partner with the state. In the United States, the Catholic church tolerates and respects the state but vows no allegiance and brooks no interference from the state about church affairs.

Even the thought of turning over a child-abusing priest to district attorneys for prosecution was unthinkable – not even possible! Such action would have undermined hundreds of years of carefully crafted organizational independence from states and would serve only to undermine  its authority and the priestly caste system. After all, the Catholic church is about salvation: sinners repenting, sinners being forgiven, sinners restored to the state of grace to be eligible for eternal salvation; the church does not exist for the sake of this world except to teach its members how to live in order to prepare them for the next.

For all these reasons, the United States bishops worked assiduously to keep secret the wrongdoing of clerics, and they felt justified in doing so, and were it not for the public outrage and private suffering of the victims – and the skill of their attorneys – it would still be secret.

Pope Benedict XVI

Father Thomas Reese writes: “American bishops excused themselves by saying they made mistakes but were not culpable because of their ignorance. Sorry, this won’t wash. American Catholics wanted some bishops to stand up and say: ‘I made a mistake, I moved this priest to another parish, I did not think he would abuse again, I got bad advice, but I take full responsibility. I am sorry and I resign.’ ” Sad to report, no bishop has taken full responsibility, and no bishop has resigned, and  they are institutionally incapable of doing so because they are members of the priestly caste.

How estranged they must find themselves from the Jesus of Nazareth when he preached to them about the dangers of church authorities: “Be careful about following them. They talk a good line, but they don’t live it. They don’t take it into their hearts and live it out in their behavior. It’s all spit-and-polish veneer. . . . Their lives are perpetual fashion shows, embroidered prayer shawls one day and flowery prayers the next. They love to sit at the head table at church dinners, basking in the most prominent positions, preening in the radiance of public flattery, receiving honorary degrees, and getting called ‘Doctor’ and ‘Reverend’ . . . Do you want to stand out? Then step down. Be a servant. If you puff yourself up, you’ll get the wind knocked out of you. But if you’re content to simply be yourself, your life will count for plenty.” (Matthew 23)     AMEN.

Get Real Elizabethan Ballads

Thursday, April 1st, 2010

LeRoy, I was thinking about our classes at St. Mary’s College when we were both literature majors.  You may recall that at the time  I fell in love with Elizabethan ballads like “Barbara Allen” and “Dinah and Villikins”.  In some of my recent research I have found that there are Appalachian versions that survive to this day.

Anyway, I accepted the lyrics of these lovely songs without much question when I was 18 years old.  Considerable living experience has forced me to reevaluate some of them for credibility.

Take Barbara Allen, for example.  It seems a young man named “Sweet William” is dying of a broken heart.  He sends his butler to fetch Barbara, the apparent cause of his affliction.  She takes her own sweet time getting there, but when she sees him, she confirms to this lovesick young man that he, indeed, looks like crap. He makes a huge strategic blunder.  He tells her that it is her fault he is sick.

If William is considering some kind of reconciliation, this approach is not calculated to be one of the top three.  Sweet William doesn’t know his ass from his elbow about women.  Women like fancy talk, especially in Elizabethan England.  Barbara wants to hear something like “Wherefore the sweet nectar of thy ululations, you saucy wench,” rip off his tunic and perform all manner of gymnastics on her exquisite body.

Instead, with all his whining, she of course looks at him as if he were road kill in Arkansas.  Her eyes narrow and she reminds him that he toasted all the girls in the pub and “slighted” her.  We never know the real reason for Barbara’s animosity, but given the nature of Queen Elizabeth’s time, he probably nailed every fair maiden in the pub except her.   He says that he can only get well if she will take him back. She is thinking “spineless, groveling weasel.” She probably tells him to do something anatomically impossible, but in the expurgated version of the song, she says, “Young, man I’ll not have you,” and leaves.  Sweet William continues to whine and weep as she walks out the door, posterior swinging to a secret tune she is internally whistling.  William isn’t so Sweet now.  He wails, “Adieu to me, Adieu to all and Adieu to Barbara Allen.” One suspected all along that he was a French fop, probably wearing lacy shirt cuffs, and this confirms it.  Though the song doesn’t say so, I am sure that Barbara sashayed down the walkway and headed home in a very upbeat frame of mind.

On the way she hears the church bells signaling that Sweet William is dead and the chiming seems to say that she is “hard hearted,” that she should have forgiven him.  The lyrics say that she tells her mother that she feels really bad about that whimpering simp, William, somehow concludes that she is a rotten bitch and mom should get her coffin ready because she is going to kill herself.  The final stanza says she dies and is buried next to Sweet William. A rose comes out of his nerdy little grave and a briar out of hers and they tie a lover’s knot at the top of the church steeple.


There is no way in the world that this babe is going to kill herself.  She skipped and whistled all the way home, had a good life and never again gave Sweet William a second thought except to smile a secret smile whenever his name came up in the pub.  She knew that he actually died of advanced syphilis from his orgy at the tavern the night he “toasted all the ladies fair and slighted Barbara Allen.”

“Villikins and Dinah” is a ballad where the lovely damsel also kills herself.  As you can plainly see, women don’t fare very well in these songs.  She does this because her father wants her to marry a rich jerk, but she looooooves a guy named Villikins, a “lazy young lout” according to her father.  But she knows he is a really good kisser and says she will give up her fortune if she can remain single for awhile.  She kills herself over love of this guy.  The moral of the ballad is that it is “better by far to die and grow cold than marry a suitor for silver or gold.”

Again, pleeeeeeeeeease!

Do you think in a thousand years I would offer this advice to any of my daughters?  Do you think they would take this advice if I offered it?  The real story goes something like this: Dinah marries the rich guy who, being “gallant and gay,” goes off in search of adventure, jousting and merry making, gone all the time.  So Dinah gives Vilikins the key to her back door.  End of story.  Everybody wins.  Hubby frolics with pub wenches, probably often with Ms Allen, and brags about slaying a dragon or two. Dinah and Villikins frolic whenever they please.

I have come to the conclusion that should have lived in Elizabethan times.  With my get-real lyrics, women would have loved me.